Meet Vireo

Meet Vireo - all the way on the East Coast, from California! Vireo got her trail name because she likes birds and is trying to learn about all the different kinds she sees and hears on trail! While we were providing Trail Magic, we even got to see her talent in action, listening to different bird calls, and identifying them - what an amazing skill to have!

Vireo graduated college in 2020 and was working in a lab while living at home when she saw a friend get on the Appalachian Trail to hike southbound last year. She said she watched their entire journey and became inspired.

Not feeling fulfilled at her current job, and not knowing what the next step would be career-wise, she decided to hike the AT this year. Why the AT and not the PCT? Vireo said she felt like the AT was more accessible, had more water, more trees, and more people! Her journey started in Harper’s Ferry to avoid the thru hiking “bubble”, and after reaching Katahdin, she will go back to Harper’s Ferry to complete the trail SoBo (southbound).

Her favorite parts so far? Stratton Pond in Vermont, Bear Mountain Inn, and Harriman State Park - but, we have a suspicion she’ll be adding the White Mountains to that list soon!

Good luck Vireo, as you continue your amazing journey -
we’ll be rooting for you the whole way!


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