Meet Lynx

Meet Lynx! His trail name is actually a nickname he’s had his whole life based off of his last name.

Lynx opened up whole heartedly to us about his life, even though it was difficult for him. Bravery, right there in action.

Lynx lost his wife a year and a half ago. The devastation of losing his best friend and lover sent him into a spiral of feeling completely lost in his life. He came to the trail to find himself again.

Lynx shared with us a special story where a moment on the trail left him in tears- finally a release of all the emotion he has been feeling, and is now able to step into the beginning space of healing.

Through out our conversations with different thru hikers one theme is common : the trail is healing!

Good luck Lynx with your journey on the AT! Your wife is with you every single step of the way!


Meet Phoneix


Meet Popsicle and Potato Chip