Nature’s Effect on Happiness

The complex relationship between humans and the natural environment have long been a subject of interest across multiple disciplines. As we explore the complexities of modern life, research suggests that nature plays a significant role in developing our emotional well-being and happiness. Through an interdisciplinary lens combining anthropology, biology, earth science, psychology, and sociology, this research paper explores the multilayer ways in which nature influences human happiness. Combining theories and methods from these different fields, we can obtain a better understanding of the interaction between natural environments, human experiences, and emotional states. This research aims to give the rapidly growing field of nature-happiness studies, bringing to light the ways in which nature can be used to promote human well-being and happiness in a quickly developing and technology driven-world.

Biological Component to Happiness

When it comes to happiness, mental health and well-being there are many different disciplines that impact this relationship. In order to understand how nature plays a role in happiness it is important to first look at how the brain functions. There are endogenic influences like biology, cognitive, personality, and ethical influences. Also exogenic- behavioral, social, cultural, geographical, life events, and aesthetics which exert influence on happiness (Dfarhud,Malmir, Khanahmadi, 2014). It is important to consider, when doing research on happiness, how these two different components affect the overall picture. How do these different components act separately, as well as together to create the bigger picture of happiness? The switch from studying only disorders in psychology, like depression and anxiety, to also studying the strengths in the psychological realm, helped pave the way for more research to be done on happiness and this has lead to a better understanding of how endogenic and exogenic influences contribute to a person's overall happiness (Dfarhud,Malmir, Khanahmadi, 2014). Both components help us to understand what contributes to overall happiness. 

Building on this idea, more recent research in the field of neurobiology has also been able to look at gene coding and begin to link them to happiness. “​​Among all related genes with mood and emotional characteristics, effects of two genes investigated directly on happiness: 5-HTTLPRand MAO-A Studies suggested an association between 5-HTTLPR and life satisfaction as a cognitive dimension of happiness” (Dfarhud,Malmir, Khanahmadi, 2014). There are many different areas of the brain that contribute to emotional regulation but the prefrontal cortex and limbic system have the most influence on emotion and how they are processed (Cleveland Clinic, 2024). When looking at a positive mood it is important to note that there are two components to the theory presented by Ashby et. al, larger levels of dopamine in the brain equate to a positive mood while lower dopamine levels equate to a negative mood (Ashby et al., 2002). 

Not only does dopamine play a role in the overall well-being, but other neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphins, melatonin do as well. There are five different biological factors that are studied in conjunction with happiness and mental well-being: brain and neurotransmitters, endocrine glands and hormones, genetic factors, physical health, typology, and attractiveness (Dfarhud,Malmir, Khanahmadi, 2014). When looking at happiness and mental health it is important to look at the whole picture of biological influences to truly understand what well-being is. 

Environmental Psychology and Sociology Component to Happiness

Now that the endogenic side of well-being has been explored it is important to look at the way in which humans and nature interact together. Historically, humans have been connected to nature; our ancestors spent more of their time outdoors interacting with nature than we do in modern times. In the field of environmental psychology, research has concluded that nature has a positive influence on self esteem and cognitive function (Barnes, Donahue, Keeler, 2019).  While it is not clear which parts of nature contribute to humans' happiness more; sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell, the connection is abundantly clear, and nature’s presence has a significant impact on humans (Barnes, Donahue, Keeler, 2019). Nature has a way of making humans slow down, forget their troubles, and be present in the moment.

  Research done on children and youths, exposure to nature enhanced cognitive function, brain activity, blood pressure, mental health, physical activity and sleep (Jimenez, 2021). Exposure to nature also helps with alleviating the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and chronic disease in the long term (Jimenez, 2021). Although current research is showing positive correlations on humans mental health, it has yet to specify what aspects of nature influence the most, or in what environment the study is being done in (i.e. a park, the backcountry, hiking, forest bathing, etc.) (Barnes, Donahue, Keeler, 2019). Extended research needs to be done on the specific ways in which nature influences human well-being, using different controlled elements such as place, or any of the five senses, and delving deeper into the connection and understanding between humans and nature. 

Anthropology Component to Happiness

Being in nature influences humans and the way in which they go on to interact with the world around them, including other humans, animals, and plants. Nature helps humans feel more connected to themselves and others (Mental Health Foundation, 2022). Those who spend time in nature or go to natural space tend to be more likely to help and support others, while having a better sense of belonging  (Delagran, 2011). Not only is being in nature important to mental health, but noticing it has benefits as well. When people spent time in nature while also observing their surroundings there was an increase in their wellbeing (Mental Health Foundation, 2022). This information is fundamental in helping to understand the ways in which nature influences humans overall well-being, and how to incorporate and increase the benefits (Mental Health Foundation, 2022).  

Environmental Component to Happiness

When looking at research on connectedness to nature and its benefits on human well-being, it is important to explore the ways in which to attain this connectedness. Being in nature, observing nature, watching nature, interacting with, smelling, touching, and exploring are all ways in which connectedness is built (Mental Health Foundation, 2022). While the relationship builds, humans become more inclined to protect their environment by littering less, eating healthier, getting involved in sustainability projects, voting for policies that protect and preserve nature, using less plastic, as well as other environmentally friendly hobbies (Kinzig et al., 2013). By protecting nature and beginning to engage in ways that protect it, the connection builds between humans and the wilderness and each benefits from the other. 

It is not just the exposure to nature that is important for human happiness, equally as important is examining the lack of nature and its impacts on us as well. In the new age of social media and limitless screen time, the lack of nature and time spent outdoors has detrimental impacts to people's overall well-being (Delagran, 2011). Being isolated from nature can lead to anxiety, depression, and lack of connectedness with others. Research links exposure to natural light as another contributing factor that is fundamental to happiness and this can be seen in disorders like seasonal depression where people tend to feel sadder in the months with a decrease in natural light (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024).  The increase in sedentary lifestyles, the lack of  natural light, and the increase in artificial light all contribute to unhappiness, some mental health disorders, disconnection from others, and a decrease in overall human well-being.

Another angle to look at is the effects and impact not having access to wilderness spaces has on happiness and in what ways can make these spaces more accessible. People who have health conditions, disabilities, women, ethnic minorities, and those who live in cities have a much harder time accessing nature or feel safe in natural spaces (Mental Health Foundation, 2022).  With these spaces not being accessible it leaves a large part of our population incapable of experiencing the many benefits of being connected to nature and this increases mental health issues. Making these spaces accessible can be done through a few different measures. Building beautiful, accessible parks in cities and planting trees and flowers throughout the city are two ways to bring green spaces to cities (Mental Health Foundation, 2022). Incorporating water foundations, and community gardens is another way to incorporate both green and blue spaces in the urban atmosphere. These spaces would allow for people in these areas to benefit from many different aspects of nature like lower levels of depression and anxiety.

For people who are disabled having plants and flowers indoors in their living spaces helps to bring nature to them and increase accessibility. Recent research has also indicated that virtual reality (VR) green spaces offer similar effects to happiness as in real life. With technology and virtual reality becoming increasingly realistic, users feel engaged in their surroundings, allowing them to feel connected and relaxed which can reduce the feelings of anxiety and depression (Chan et al., 2021). VR is becoming more accessible to purchase and adaptable for all ages to use from children to the elderly, with many people accessing VR on their smartphones (Chan et al., 2021). Virtual reality can bridge the gap between the mental health benefits of nature exposure and accessibility for people who have health conditions, disabilities, women, ethnic minorities, and those who live in cities.

In conclusion, there needs to be more research done on the topic of nature's impact on humans overall happiness and well-being, although the research thus far has promising data. Nature has beneficial effects on mood and its ability to decrease stress. Aspects such as accessibility and availability of natural green spaces is a concern, but the use of virtual-reality nature escapes has proven to have beneficial effects to human happiness. Virtual reality is a promising aspect for helping those who cannot access nature be able to benefit from its impact on their well-being. More research needs to be done to connect which parts of nature have the most impact on humans overall well-being, as well as including scents, textures, into the overall study, especially involving virtual reality. Through an interdisciplinary lens combining anthropology, biology, earth science, psychology, and sociology, this research indicates that nature has a positive influence on human happiness and well-being, with exposure to natural environments promoting physiological relaxation, emotional restoration, and a sense of place in the world, which contributes to improved mental and physical health outcomes.


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